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Page Revision: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 11:04

The Provider Data Export is used to export data from selected tables for a specified date span. Data can be exported from a single provider domain or from multiple provider domains. Exporting data from a single provider domain can be edited and re-imported. Exporting data for multi provider domains can be used for reporting purposes and cannot be re-imported. A Provider Data Export file can include provider setup information and metadata.

To access the Provider Data Export:

  1. Click Administrative Options.
  2. Click Export Menu.
  3. Click Provider Data Export.
  4. Click New Export.


A Provider Data Export can export a MDB file, a XML file, or export the data to the CAREWare database using SQLPDE. The MDB and XML file types save to a specific file folder location. The SQLPDE will save the records in the CAREWare database in the CW_PDI database.

In addition to the options included in the instructions for Configure, custom fields can be exported using Manual Field Selection.


Check a custom field listed to include that custom field in the export file.


Once a Provider Data Export is completed a file will be saved in the file folder location or in the case of a SQLPDE the CW_PDI tables will be updated with those export records.

The MDB export file uses the PDI Template. Click here to review the PDI Template Specifications.

The XML export file uses the following XML format:

  1. Schema records.
  2. Table Name = element name
  3. Table columns are elements under sequence
  4. After tables are defined, client data records are listed starting with a client's primary key.

The table and column records are in the same format as the PDI Template, which can be reviewed using the PDI Specifications guide here.

SQLPDE exports data to the CW_PDI table in the CAREWare database. The CW_PDI database records can be reviewed using SQL Server Management Studio.

SQLPDE exports data to the CW_PDI table in the CAREWare database. The CW_PDI database records can be reviewed using SQL Server Management Studio.

As of build 945, creating the CW_PDI database requires initiating an import from SQL. Users will be able to initiate an export to SQL using the Export Menu in a future build.

  1. Log in to Central Administration.
  2. Click Administrative Options.
  3. Click Provider Data Import.
  4. Click Import from SQL Server.
  5. Select a time and date.
  6. Click Daily or Weekly, ever.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Place a PDI import file in the PDIFiles folder located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier\PDIFiles by default.
  9. Wait until the scheduled time for the import to occur.
  10. The CW_PDI database should be created and the setting should be set to '1' for SQLServerPDICreated in the common storage settings table in the CW_Data database for the CAREWare database instance.

Once the CW_PDI database is created, the option for SQLPDE is available in the drop down list for the export menu.

  1. Connect to the CAREWare database instance using SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Expand Databases.
  3. Expand CW_PDI.

Provider Data Export can be setup to automatically export data.

  1. Click Setup Automatic Export.
  2. Click Schedule New Export.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click Save.

Scheduled Provider Data Export files are saved in a file folder location saved in Common Storage Settings. The Common Storage Settings can be accessed using CW Admin in the RW CAREWare Business Tier folder or using SQL Server Management Studio.


  1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier.
  2. Right Click CW Admin.exe.
  3. Click Run as Administrator.
  4. Click Stop Server.
  5. Click Common Storage Settings.
  6. Click cmm_st_pk to sort the row in order
  7. Scroll to PDI_ExportDirectory.

The cmm_st_text is the file folder path where the export file will appear.

SQL Server Management Studio:

  1. Connect to the CAREWare database instance.
  2. Expand Databases.
  3. Expand CW_Data.
  4. Expand Tables.
  5. Right click cw_common_storage.
  6. Click Select Top 1000 Rows.
  7. Scroll down to PDI_ExportDirectory under cmm_st_pk.

The cmm_st_text is the file folder path where the export file will appear.

Click here to download these instructions.

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