Provider Data Export error "No matching client record found"

Modified on Wed, 18 Nov 2015 15:11 by Kevin Ricciardo — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The error "No matching client record found" can occur when users create a Provider Data Export when there is an orphaned client record. This can be resolved by using the Orphaned Record Cleanup tool by following the instructions here. If this tool is not available, upgrading to a newer build of CAREWare of 847 or newer (except 848) is recommended, as it includes this and several other new features. To review build changes, bug fixes, and new features added to CAREWare, click here.

The cw_events error message for this error is here.

If using a using build 848 or a build older than 847, a query can be run on the database to identify records causing this error. Click here for instructions and the query. If the query produces results, have your DBA delete any records deemed duplicates, or contact the CAREWare Help Desk by following the instructions here.

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