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Page History: Unable to add Global User permission to user accounts or groups

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Page Revision: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:20

Source: jProgBusiness - CWTEMP, Adam-1, Central Administration: Only global users can modify Central permissions.
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jBusinessAdministration.GiveDomainPermissions(String GUIDToken,jBusinessShared BusinessShared, 
jDomainPermissionGroup DomainPermission, jPermissionAdministration PA)
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jBusinessRemote.ADM_PA_Give_Domain_Permissions(String SessionToken, jDomainPermissionGroup 
CWTEMP, Adam-1, Central Administration: Only global users can modify Central permissions.

This error is occurring due to a data tier update not completing correctly. Users can resolve the issue by following the steps below to delete the current global user permission from the CW_Data database and rerunning the appropriate data tier update.

Note Access to the database using a SQL Manager and permission to update/delete values on the database are required!

To resolve the error using Management Studio

  1. Connect to the database instance using Windows User Authentication
  2. Expand the CAREWare instance
  3. Expand the CW_Data database
  4. Click the New Query Button
  5. In the new window paste the following query to verify the existence of the field
    SELECT *
    FROM [CW_Data].[dbo].[cw_permission_rft]
    where prm_rpk = '582b'
  6. Once the field has been verified run the following query to delete the field completely
    FROM [CW_Data].[dbo].[cw_permission_rft]
    where prm_rpk = '582b'
  7. Once the field has been deleted successfully, go to the RW CAREWare Business Tier directory (Default location: C:\Program Files\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier\)
  8. Double click on CW Admin
  9. Press Stop Server
  10. Click on the Common Storage Settings tan
  11. Click on the cmm_st_pk column header to alphabetize the column
  12. Locate the DataTieVersion row in the cmm_st_pk column
  13. Change the value for DataTierVersion to 83.8 in the cmm_st_number column
  14. Click on a different column and row
  15. Click on the Server Settings tab
  16. Press Start Server
  17. Login to CAREWare and allow the remaining DT updates to complete successfully

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