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Page Revision: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 17:01

These are some steps you can take to resolve timeout errors:

1) Restart the business tier service

This is the easiest and simplest solution, though it does not always resolve the error.

  1. Locate and open the CW Admin.exe (Right-click and Run as Administrator)
  2. Click Stop Server
  3. Click Start Server

2) Increase the Command and Query values

These are located in the businessTierSettings.XML and can be easily accessed via the CW Admin utility.

  1. Locate and open the CW Admin.exe (Right-click and Run as Administrator)
  2. Click Stop Server
  3. Change the Table Name in the upper right corner to LocalNumberStorage
  4. Highlight the Command and click Edit
  5. Double the current value then click Save
  6. Highlight the Query and click Edit
  7. Double the current value then click Save
  8. Click Start Server

3) Increase the report timeout value

Increasing the timeout values would reduce the likelihood of these sites from encountering a timeout error when completing a report or finding a client.

To increase the report timeout value:

  1. Go to the business tier directory (Default location: C:\Program Files\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier\)
  2. Open the CW Admin.exe (You may need to right-click and Run As Administrator)
  3. Click Stop Server
  4. Click on the Common Storage Settings tab
  5. Click the column header cmm_st_pk to sort the column alphabetically
  6. Find the PK value labeled as ReportTimeout
  7. Double the ReportTimeout value in the cmm_st_number field (default value is 180)
  8. Click on a different column and row to save the change
  9. Click on the Server Settings tab

4) Check the message queue is not full.

The message queue is used on 64-bit machines to enable CAREWare to use the 32-bit DLL that generates the client URNs. If the message queue becomes full, then an issue similar to what you've experienced can occur. Checking and deleting full message queues is slightly different on each operating system. I've included the steps below for the Windows Server 2008 OS.

  1. Open Computer Management
  2. In the console tree,  expand
    Computer Management>Services and Applications>Message
    Queuing>Private Queues>eurngenerator
  3. Right click on Queue Messages and select All Tasks , and then click Purge
  4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete all messages in the queue
  5. Repeat the same steps for the eurns message queue. After purging both queues restart the business tier service

5) Turn off PII encryption

PII enctyption is enabled by default within CAREWare and encrypts the cw_client table fields for Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In large databases and/or older systems the encryption/decryption of the fields can cause to occur.

Note: This is a security feature and disabling PII encryption will allow for PII information to be displayed on the cw_client table.

To turn off the client encryption in version 5:

  1. Open the CW Admin.exe found in the business tier directory (Default
    location: C:\Program Files\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier)
  2. In the top right choose LocalNumberStorage
  3. Find the entry for EncryptPIIFields and set the value to 0 (that's a zero)
  4. Restart the Business Tier

If the entry for EncryptPIIFields is not on the list:

  1. Double check that you have LocalNumberStorage selected
  2. Click Add
  3. In the Tag box enter EncryptPIIFields (note that spelling is very important!)
  4. In the Setting box enter 0 (that's a zero)
  5. Click save

6) Check the Recovery Model is set to Simple and not Full for cw_data and the cw_change_logs. 

By default the CAREWare setup file and any provided scripts from the CAREWare help desk will create a database using the Simple recovery model. We do not suggest users change the recovery model as it will slow SQL Server in most instances and CAREWare does not support nor is it programmed to use point in recovery (Full recovery model).

You can use the following steps to check & change the recovery model of the CAREWare SQL Server instances:

  1. Start SQL Server Enterprise Manager (or SQL Management Studio)
  2. Double-click Microsoft SQL Servers, double-click SQL Server Group, (Local), and then double-click Databases
  3. Right-click each database, and then click Properties
  4. Click the Options tab
  5. Under Recovery, set the model to Simple
  6. Click OK

If you have to change the Recovery model from Full to Simple, make a backup after you are done

7) Check the autogrowth settings of the cw_data and cw_change_log_XXXX.

The Auto-growth setting should not be by a percentage (such as By 10%, Unrestricted Growth). Instead choose by X number of MB.

  1. Connect to the CAREWare instance using a SQL Management tool, such as SQL Management Studio
  2. Expand the Databases, right-click on CW_Data and choose Properties
  3. Choose Files. This will show the auto-growth settings. This is also where the auto-growth settings can be changed

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