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Page Revision: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 11:51

 Source:  - The business tier is currently locked for the following purpose(s):
* Unable to update the Data Tier.  You will not be able to log in until the problem is fixed.  Contact technical support so 
that they can view the event logs. Login failed for user 'cwbt'.
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jConnectionWorker.OpenConnection()
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jConnectionPool.AssertNoLocks(String SessionToken)
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jConnectionPool.VerifyLogin(String UserName, String password, jDatabaseEncryption 
DatabaseEncryption, Boolean ValidateMaxTimeAndStructure, Boolean skipNullPWCheck)
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jBusinessSession.GetDomains(String UserName, String Password, jBusinessShared 
BusinessShared, Boolean IsLogin, Boolean ResetConnection)
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jConnectionPool.AssertNoLocks(String SessionToken)
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jConnectionPool.VerifyLogin(String UserName, String password, jDatabaseEncryption 
DatabaseEncryption, Boolean ValidateMaxTimeAndStructure, Boolean skipNullPWCheck)
   at jProgBusiness.jBusiness.jBusinessSession.GetDomains(String UserName, String Password, jBusinessShared 
BusinessShared, Boolean IsLogin, Boolean ResetConnection)
The business tier is currently locked for the following purpose(s):
* Unable to update the Data Tier.  You will not be able to log in until the problem is fixed.

This error is caused by the database user 'cwbt' not being set as the owner of the database. There are several methods for resolving this error, which are listed below in order of ease ability.

  1. Go to the business tier directory (default location: C:\Program Files\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier)
  2. Open the CW Admin.exe utility
  3. Click on the Database Info tab
  4. Provide the database SA password
  5. Click the "Resolve" button in the lower right corner

If the "Resolve" button did not resolve the problem you can do the following:

  1. Click on the Server Settings tab
  2. Press "Stop Server"
  3. Highlight the DatabaseConnectionString and press "Edit"
  4. In the Setting field scroll to the right and locate "user=cwbt;password=cwbt100". If you changed the password for the user 'cwbt' during the installation of the database, then you will need to change it here. If you are using a SQL Server 2008 version then the default cwbt password is CWtemp100%
  5. After correcting the password press 'Save'
  6. Click Start Server


Use a SQL Manager such as Enterprise Manager, Craig's SQL Manager, or SQL Studio Manager Express to complete the following:

  1. Expand the CAREWare database
  2. Expand the CW_Data database
  3. Run the following query on the CW_Client table:

    Exec sp_changedbowner 'cwbt'

  4. Restart the business tier service

The above procedures will set the CW_Data database owner to the user 'cwbt'. This is necessary for the business tier to communicate with the database. You may also need to run the query on each CW_Change_Log available in the CAREWare database.

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