How do I turn channel encryption off?

Modified on Thu, 19 Jan 2012 10:08 by CAREWare Help Desk — Categorized as: FAQ

To turn off channel encryption you will need access the business tier directory. This will decrypt communication between the client and business tiers of CAREWare, which can increase network speed as well as security risks.

  1. Go to the business tier directory (Default location: C:\Program Files\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier)
  2. Open the CW Admin.exe
  3. Change the table to localNumberStorage
  4. Locate the "doNotEncryptChannel" setting. If you do not see this tag, you can add it.
  5. Change the setting to 1 in order to turn off channel encryption.
  6. Click "Save", then "Start Server".

After changing the value on the business tier, you must also set the value on the client tier. This is done by opening the ClientTierSettings.XML file which is located at C:/Program Files/CAREWare/RW CAREWare Client Tier.

  1. Right click on the ClientTierSettings.XML file and select "Open With...", then select Notepad.
  2. Press Ctrl-F and find “doNotEncryptChannel”
  3. Set the value to 1
  4. Save the ClientTierSettings.XML file

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