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Yes, you can open the database using MS Access, but it must be done by creating an ODBC Connection. It is very important that you do not change any records in the CW_Data file through MS Access. Any changes to the data should be done either through the CAREWare client, or by using the business tier programming interface.

If you are not familiar with creating ODBC connections, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Start MS Access and click File>Open
  2. Change the file type drop down box to “ODBC connections”. This should bring up a new window.
  3. Click the “Machine Data Source” tab and then click “New”.
  4. Click the “System Data Source” button and click “Next”.
  5. Scroll down to “SQL Server” and click “Next”.
  6. Click the “Finish” button. Now you will see the “SQL Server Data Source Connection” wizard.
  7. Type in a name and description for this connection, and then choose the server from the list.
  8. Use “Windows Authentication” (which uses your Windows ID and Password to Login). If this doesn’t work, you may need to try “SQL Authentication”.
  9. Change the default database to CW_Data.
  10. Click “Finish”. Now when you open MS Access and change the type to ODBC you will see the connection you just created.

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