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Users get this message if they have entered an incorrect password several times. The default limit is three attempts. If a user is unable to log in and never gets a message that the account is locked, then the username is incorrect.


The primary option for unlocking users is to log in with another user account that has permission to unlock users. If all users are locked out, unlock the account using the CW Admin by following the instructions here.

Once that user logs in, follow these instructions:

  1. Click Administrative Options.
  2. Click Provider User Manager.
  3. Click Manage Users.
  4. Click the user's account to highlight it.
  5. Click Manage.
  6. Click Undo Password Lockout.

At this point the user's account is unlocked. If the user needs his or her password reset, click Change Password to set a new password for the user.

Force Password Reset allows the user to set his or her own password after logging in with the password set here.

To download these instructions click here.

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