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Some users are encountering the following error message after upgrading to build 799.

Source:  - Could not load file or assembly 'C1.Win.C1Input.2, Version=2.0.20082.33212, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7e7ff60f0c214f9a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
   at Client.FindClient.haveSearchCriteria()
   at Client.FindClient.FindClient_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
An error occurred while loading Find Client form.

This error is caused by a known bug in build 799. Users can either upgrade the current business tier to build 801 or add the missing DLL files into the client tier directory in order to resolve the error. I've provided the steps and files necessary for each resolution method below.

To add the missing DLL files to the client tier directory:

  1. Download the missing dll files to the PC where the error is occurring from:
  2. For build 864 or older click here.
  3. For builds 865 or newer click here.
  4. Extract the files and place them in the client tier directory. (Default location: C:\Program Files\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Client Tier\)
  5. Open the client tier as normal and login.

To upgrade the business tier to build 801, please contact the . The upgrade to build 801 is the same as all other business tier upgrades. More information regarding the upgrade steps can be found here on the CAREWare Wiki.

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