Third Party Billing Error Create 837p Files

Modified on Fri, 17 Jun 2016 14:04 by Kevin Ricciardo — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Creating an 837p File will generate an error if the provider domain, insurance provider, or client record does not have a full nine-digit zip code, without any dashes or spaces. For example, 70003 would cause an error, as would 70003-4463, but 700034463 would be fine.

If fewer than nine digits are entered, these error messages will appear:

Error: Insurer Zip Code does not meet the 9 digit requirement.


To resolve this error, update the zip code to include all 9 digits for the insurer.

  1. Click Administrative Options.
  2. Click Third Party Billing.
  3. Click Insurance Provider Setup.
  4. Click the insurer to highlight it.
  5. Click Edit Insurer.
  6. Update the Zip field to include all 9 digits.


Error: Provider Zip does not meet the 9 digit requirement.


To resolve this error, update the zip code to include all 9 digits for the provider.

  1. Click Administrative Options.
  2. Click Setup Wizard.
  3. Click Next until the page for Agency and Contact Information.
  4. Update the Zip Code field to include all 9 digits.
  5. Click Next until Finish.
  6. Click Finish to save the change.


Error: Client Zip does not meet the 9 digit requirement.


To resolve this error, update the zip code to include all 9 digits for the client.

  1. Click Find Client.
  2. Enter a search term to find the client.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Click on the client's record.
  5. Click Details.
  6. Update the Zip Code field for the client.


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