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Some users are reporting an error message when updating the client tier application, after upgrading to CAREWare build 865 or newer, stating that the jMultiTier.dll file is missing or incorrect. Some users get the message after clicking Update Now during the client update process. They have the option to click OK on the error message window, and then the Finalizing Update message appears. The Finalizing Update process doesn't complete. This is a result of the jMultiTier.dll file not updating correctly. This can occur if the file is being blocked by anti-virus software.

Here are a few options to resolve this error:

  • Check your anti-virus software for blocked or quarantined CAREWare files. *Contact your local IT department for support with network or anti-virus software issues.

  • Re-install the client tier application using the same build as the business tier currently installed for your organization. *Click here for instructions on installing the client tier.

  • Copy the jMultiTier.dll file from the Client Distribution folder.

  1. Go to the RW CAREWare Business Tier folder
  2. Double click on ClientDistribution
  3. Right click on jMultiTier.dll
  4. Click Copy
  5. Go to the RW CAREWare Client Tier folder
  6. Click Paste
  7. Choose the option to replace the file if prompted to.

  • Copy the files from the ShadowedClientUpdate folder and paste those files in the RW CAREWare Client Tier folder.

  1. Go to the RW CAREWare Client Tier folder
  2. Double click on ShadowedClientUpdate
  3. Click on the first file in that folder
  4. Hold down Shift
  5. Click on the last file in that folder
  6. Right click on any file
  7. Click Copy
  8. Go back to the RW CAREWare Client Tier folder
  9. Click Paste
  10. Choose the option to replace all files

  • The ShadowedCLientUpdate file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Client Tier\ShadowedClientUpdate by default.
  • The RW CAREWare Business Tier folder is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Business Tier by default.
  • The RW CAREWare Client Tier folder is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\CAREWare\RW CAREWare Client Tier by default.

Click here to download a copy of these instructions.

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