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CAREWare has a new feature for managing sharing individual client data. The Client by Client Sharing option is in the Central Administration domain on the Administrative Options menu.




In order to display pages to share, a Sharing Type, Sharing Provider, and Shared With Provider will have to be selected from the drop down lists. In order for a provider to show up in the Sharing Provider drop down list, the Client by Client Sharing option will have to have been selected in the Setup Wizard for that provider. An agreement date and expiration date can be set here for each of the pages to be shared. A custom filter can be set up to select pages based on filter criteria.


Once the fields have been selected, select the page to be shared using the check box. This will change the sharing status to granted for that page. A custom filter can be applied to narrow down the list of pages displayed.


The Reverse Providers button gives you the option to quickly setup sharing options for pages between providers so that both providers are sharing data rather than data being shared one way. The sharing of these pages will have to be setup again for sharing with the other provider.

To download these instructions click here.

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